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To my Children,

To my Children,

Do you know that I love you? I mean, truly love you? With a love that runs deep within my every fibre.

It runs deep enough to remain untouched by the daily challenges of life. Untouched by the arguments and the tantrums. Untouched by the mistakes and the bad choices.

Sometimes I get mad, but I still love you. Sometimes I yell, but I still love you. Sometimes I’m disappointed, but I still love you. Please know I’m working on doing better at all those things.

Sometimes you scare me and it seem like I’m angry. In truth, I’m scared. Scared because I couldn’t imagine my life without you beside me.

Sometimes you don’t apply yourself and I push you to do better. It’s not because I hate you or enjoy pushing you. I love that you are so clever and I want that to shine.

Sometimes I need some space. It’s not because I don’t love you. I love you too much to accidentally take my frustration out on you. I use the space in order to be the best version of myself for you.

Sometimes you get angry and I send you to your room. I don’t want to get rid of you. I love you too much to argue with you when we’re both angry and say things we don’t mean.

Sometimes you hate me and want a new family. Sometimes you yell and refuse to do as you’re asked. Sometimes you argue, kick and scream but please know that even in those moments, I still love you.

I know that I need to work on showing it better, but in the meantime I hope that these words remind you that through all things and at all times I love you.

Love, Mum

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