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It feels like a storm is brewing. The dark clouds are rolling in. Roaring across the sky like a freight train, squeezing the last of the remaining light from the day.

You feel like you're preparing for battle. As the chill makes it's way across your shoulders and down your spine, it brings with it the feeling that something is coming. Something bad!

Unknowingly you start to ready yourself. You feel your muscles tense, your heart rate quicken, your temperature change and you swallow your emotions. There's no room for weeping and wallowing on the battle field.

The time has come. It's here. You can feel warm breath on the back of your neck as every hair stands on end. Your fists clench. Hard! And you turn to face your enemy. Who is it? Who is your enemy?


I don't know about you but sometimes my enemy has been my husband, my kids, my parents, and even myself. Other times it's been an old friend, our co-parents or a colleague. Regardless of who it is, I have learned this....they are not your enemy!

You have an enemy. One that is real, that exists around you always. One that, when your guard is down, whispers pain and anguish into your ear and pokes fingers into the bruised and broken spots most don't even know about. This is the enemy that you are going into battle against. This is the enemy you need to don your amour for.

Don't fight weapon for weapon with the people in your life. Don't get caught up matching and raising hateful words, spiteful actions or physical blows. Go to battle on behalf of them. Go to battle against the enemy who whispers the same pain into their ears and reopens the same scars on their bodies. See, truly see, and declare God's love for them and watch the transformation take place in their life and in yours.

It may not provide the quick fix, short-term satisfaction that you were looking or maybe even longing for but it will provide the resolution needed for both of you. The one that brings peace, wholeness, happiness and love.

If you're going to go to battle, go to battle with the right enemy. Go to battle on behalf of your husband, your kids, your colleague, your estranged friends and family. The reward will be far greater than you could ever have achieved through your own words or actions.

If you're going to go to battle, put on the right armour (Eph 6:10-18) and start on your knees. He is the God of miracles and He will turn what was intended for evil against you to good (Gen 50:20).

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