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Why are you still listening?

"MUUUM, she said that I'm stupid".

"Are you stupid?"


"So why are you listening then?"


Dear friend, do you know what God's word says about you? It says...

"you are beautifully and wonderfully made"

"you are more precious than rubies"

"you are a child of God"

"you are loved so deeply by a man who sacrificed himself to save you"

"you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you"

"you have been chosen for such a time as this"

So why are you still listening to what other people say about you?

You are NOT ugly

You are NOT worthless

You are NOT a mistake

You are NOT damaged goods

You DO belong

You ARE loved

You ARE strong

You HAVE been chosen

You, in all your "imperfections", ARE everything God designed you to be. From the very moment you were formed in your mother's womb you were nothing short of perfection. Imagine if we walked in this truth every day. How different would life look for you? Imagine how the words would just roll off your back as if they were water droplets on an umbrella.

Stop letting the words of those who barely know you, and could never truly know you, speak louder than those spoken by the FATHER who carefully and purposefully knit together your every fibre. He loves you so much and He would never call you stupid, weak, bad, unqualified, damaged, or ugly. Never forget that YOU were born, just as you are, for such a time as this.

Lift your head my beautiful friend and walk in the confidence that your Father, who loves you so deeply, DID NOT make a mistake when he made you.

No matter what labels or diagnoses you carry the greatest of all those is DAUGHTER of the almighty. You are ROYALTY Sis! Straighten up your crown and wear your title boldly because no matter what you do, no matter what they say NO ONE can strip you of your place as God's child whom he loves deeply.

Image credit: WAKart "Queen"

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